Cultural center Weimerskirch
The cultural center Am Duerf located in Weimerskirch has a toilet for visitors with disabilities. Parking for persons with a disability is located in the street rue de la roche. Warning: this car park is located on a steep slope.Address
1, Rue Henri Lamormesnil
L-1915 Luxembourg-Weimerskirch
L-1915 Luxembourg-Weimerskirch
Spoken languages:

Fact sheet
Basic data
Name | Value |
Date certification | 21.09.2016 |
Staff was trained | no |
Info in digital form | no |
Info using large letters | no |
Info available in braille | no |
Target group: limited mobility | yes |
Target group: wheelchair | no |
Target group: visually impaired | yes |
Target group: visually disabled | yes |
Target group: hearing impaired | yes |
Target group: hearing disabled | yes |
Target group: learning difficulty | yes |
Emergency plan | yes |
Reduction | no |
Details | |